jeudi 22 mars 2018


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How to register an insurance for your small business


If you’re trying to land a client contract or sign a commercial lease, chances are you need Errors and Omissions Insurance or General Liability Insurance yesterday. So how can you speed up the insuring process?
We have a few ideas.

1. Understand the application.

If you apply for coverage through Insureon, you can complete a single online insurance application to get quotes from all available carriers. It usually takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete, but you can save your progress if you don’t have time to finish the application in one sitting.
The application will ask you basic questions about your business, the policies you’re interested in, and your services. To answer these questions as quickly as possible, you’ll want to have some information on hand. So…

2. Get your information ready.

Have information about the following in front of you so you can fill out the application quickly:
  • Business basics. The application will need to know basic information about your business, such as its industry, legal entity, name, contact information, address, and locations. Sometimes your risks and insurance options / requirements depend on your location. Read more about that in “Find Insurance Where You Live.”
  • Your policies. Knowing which types of insurance and how much coverage you want from the outset can help you decide what to check off in the application.
  • Revenue. How much you make determines how much coverage may be appropriate for your business.
  • Company history. This refers to your industry experience and when you founded your business. Insurers tend to prefer a business that has some history under its belt, which may lead to more favorable rates. However, that’s not always the case.
  • Employees. You’ll need to specify how many employees, owners, and officers your business has, all of which may impact your Workers’ Compensation Insurance needs. Be prepared to share your total office payroll and your employer identification number, too.
  • Business practices. Be ready to describe your operations so the application can accurately weigh your risks against your risk management.
  • Website. Remember cyber risks? Your website and cyber security practices may affect your exposure.

SCANDAL MONDE: 50 millions de compte FACEBOOK ont été piratés, CLIQUEZ pour verifier si....

Pause Video Facebook s'est retrouvé sur la sellette lundi 19 mars 2018 après avoir admis qu'un cabinet d'analyses, Cambridge Analytica, travaillant pour la campagne électorale de Donald Trump en 2016, avait pu collecter les données privées de 50 millions d'utilisateurs du réseau social. À Wall Street, l'action du réseau social s'est effondrée : les investisseurs anticipent un durcissement de la législation qui pourrait nuire à l'activité de publicités ciblées qui alimente le chiffre d'affaires de la firme de la Silicon Valley.
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What to know if you want to Hire a DUI Lawyer

The second you decide to drive while intoxicated (DWI) is the second you begin to put yourself and others at risk. In the event that this happens and you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you are looking forward to a relatively lengthy legal process. As with any legal process, it is always best to have the support of an attorney. 

* NOTE: Often, the terms “DUI" and “DWI" are used interchangeably to refer to the same charge. You will see both referenced in this guide—but be aware that in your state, they may mean different things.

When to Hire a DUI Lawyer

The majority of DUI cases are handled without legal representation. However, because a DUI charge is very serious, you should strongly consider hiring a DUI attorney.
Consider hiring a DUI lawyer when:
  • This is NOT your first DWI arrest.
  • Someone is injured or killed as a result of your DUI.
  • You believe that you're not guilty.
  • You think you can reduce your charges from DWI to reckless driving.
  • You're a commercial driver (e.g. truck driver, delivery person, bus driver, etc.).

Why Hire a DUI Attorney

DUI lawyers are experts when it comes to alcohol- and drug-related cases. This expertise can help to get your charges or sentencing reduced, and even have your case dismissed.

From DUI to Reckless Driving

If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reads close to the legal limit, your DUI attorney might be able to argue that there's a possibility the Breathalyzer was incorrect and your DUI charges could be reduced to “reckless driving".
If it's determined that you were not in fact intoxicated, you'll most likely be charged with reckless driving.
If it's determined that you had alcohol in your system but not an illegal amount, you might be charged with a “wet reckless" driving offense. Sentences for wet reckless driving normally do NOT require:
  • Jail time.
  • License suspension or revocation.
  • As costly a fine.
  • Lengthy DUI program attendance.
You will most likely be put on probation to compensate for the wet reckless charge. Despite the reduced punishments, your car insurance company will still see a wet reckless as a DUI/DWI arrest and adjust your premium accordingly.

Sentence Reduction

Hiring a DUI lawyer might also help in having your sentence reduced, should you plead or be found guilty.
For example, your attorney can set up a deal in which you'd agree to plead guilty, only because your punishment for the DUI would be reduced. Some situations in which this would be a good route to take include:
  • Your BAC registered very high.
  • You were driving under the influence of drugs other than alcohol.
  • Somebody was harmed or killed as a result of your DWI.
In the cases listed above, you will most likely serve some form of jail time, have your license suspended, and/or have to pay a hefty fine.

Charges Dropped

There are several reasons why your DUI case can be completely dropped, most of which require a very strong understanding of laws and legal precedents that only lawyers typically have at their disposal.
An experienced DUI attorney can analyze your case, and determine whether or not you can pursue having the charges against you dropped.

What to Look for in a DUI Attorney

When you're deciding which DUI attorney to hire, you should take these factors into consideration:
  • Their familiarity with DUI/DWI laws in your state.
    • Consider how many DUI cases they've been involved in, how much of their legal practice is devoted strictly to defending DWI cases, and their knowledge of DUI laws and limits specific to your state.
  • Fees for their services.
  • How much of your case they will directly handle.
    • Ideally, you'll want them to deal with most or all of the court proceedings, rather than passing responsibilities over to associates.
  • Their relationship to the prosecution.
    • It's extremely beneficial to find a lawyer that has a good relationship with the prosecutor.
NOTE: Depending on your financial situation, you can also opt have a public defender appointed to your case.

mardi 13 mars 2018

When to Hire a DUI Lawyer

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When to Hire a DUI Lawyer


The second you decide to drive while intoxicated (DWI) is the second you begin to put yourself and others at risk. In the event that this happens and you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you are looking forward to a relatively lengthy legal process. As with any legal process, it is always best to have the support of an attorney. 

* NOTE: Often, the terms “DUI" and “DWI" are used interchangeably to refer to the same charge. You will see both referenced in this guide—but be aware that in your state, they may mean different things.

When to Hire a DUI Lawyer

The majority of DUI cases are handled without legal representation. However, because a DUI charge is very serious, you should strongly consider hiring a DUI attorney.
Consider hiring a DUI lawyer when:
  • This is NOT your first DWI arrest.
  • Someone is injured or killed as a result of your DUI.
  • You believe that you're not guilty.
  • You think you can reduce your charges from DWI to reckless driving.
  • You're a commercial driver (e.g. truck driver, delivery person, bus driver, etc.).

Why Hire a DUI Attorney

DUI lawyers are experts when it comes to alcohol- and drug-related cases. This expertise can help to get your charges or sentencing reduced, and even have your case dismissed.

From DUI to Reckless Driving

If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reads close to the legal limit, your DUI attorney might be able to argue that there's a possibility the Breathalyzer was incorrect and your DUI charges could be reduced to “reckless driving".
If it's determined that you were not in fact intoxicated, you'll most likely be charged with reckless driving.
If it's determined that you had alcohol in your system but not an illegal amount, you might be charged with a “wet reckless" driving offense. Sentences for wet reckless driving normally do NOT require:
  • Jail time.
  • License suspension or revocation.
  • As costly a fine.
  • Lengthy DUI program attendance.
You will most likely be put on probation to compensate for the wet reckless charge. Despite the reduced punishments, your car insurance company will still see a wet reckless as a DUI/DWI arrest and adjust your premium accordingly.

Sentence Reduction

Hiring a DUI lawyer might also help in having your sentence reduced, should you plead or be found guilty.
For example, your attorney can set up a deal in which you'd agree to plead guilty, only because your punishment for the DUI would be reduced. Some situations in which this would be a good route to take include:
  • Your BAC registered very high.
  • You were driving under the influence of drugs other than alcohol.
  • Somebody was harmed or killed as a result of your DWI.
In the cases listed above, you will most likely serve some form of jail time, have your license suspended, and/or have to pay a hefty fine.

Charges Dropped

There are several reasons why your DUI case can be completely dropped, most of which require a very strong understanding of laws and legal precedents that only lawyers typically have at their disposal.
An experienced DUI attorney can analyze your case, and determine whether or not you can pursue having the charges against you dropped.

What to Look for in a DUI Attorney

When you're deciding which DUI attorney to hire, you should take these factors into consideration:
  • Their familiarity with DUI/DWI laws in your state.
    • Consider how many DUI cases they've been involved in, how much of their legal practice is devoted strictly to defending DWI cases, and their knowledge of DUI laws and limits specific to your state.
  • Fees for their services.
  • How much of your case they will directly handle.
    • Ideally, you'll want them to deal with most or all of the court proceedings, rather than passing responsibilities over to associates.
  • Their relationship to the prosecution.
    • It's extremely beneficial to find a lawyer that has a good relationship with the prosecutor.
NOTE: Depending on your financial situation, you can also opt have a public defender appointed to your case.

Using a Personal Injury Lawyer

Getting injured can be an unpleasant, and sometimes scary, experience. It’s especially upsetting if your injuries are the result of another person’s intentional or negligent actions. If you believe your injuries are someone else’s fault, a lawyer can give you information about your legal options. Most personal injury attorneys provide prospective clients with a free initial consultation.

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Using a Personal Injury Lawyer


Getting injured can be an unpleasant, and sometimes scary, experience. It’s especially upsetting if your injuries are the result of another person’s intentional or negligent actions. If you believe your injuries are someone else’s fault, a lawyer can give you information about your legal options. Most personal injury attorneys provide prospective clients with a free initial consultation.

Personal injury lawyers also usually work on a contingency basis, meaning that they only get paid if your case results in a judgment in your favor or a settlement agreement. FindLaw’s Using a Personal Injury Lawyer section provides articles and resources to help you determine if you need an attorney for a personal injury claim and how to proceed if you do. You can also find sample documents such as an attorney intake questionnaire and attorney agreements.
How an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help
An experienced attorney can be helpful for a variety of reasons. First of all, an experienced personal injury attorney will have experience assessing claims similar to yours. An attorney can help you decide if you should pursue legal action by assessing the strength of your case. It’s in the attorney’s best interest to give you a true and honest assessment of the strength of your claim because usually personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. So, if you don’t win, they don’t get paid.
Dealing with injuries can be very emotional, which could prevent you from seeing the facts clearly. An attorney can provide an objective opinion about your situation. For example, you may want to make a rash decision if you’re offered a settlement, but an attorney will be able to stay objective and give you advice on if you should hold out for a better offer.
An attorney will be able to work though the often complicated legal procedures, confusing medical terms, and paperwork that are common to many personal injury cases. In addition, an attorney will often have a team of investigators and support staff to help him or her with preparing your case. With the attorney and his or her staff working on your case, you can focus on getting better and returning back to your normal life.
An attorney will also have experience working with other lawyers and insurance companies. Many times if the opposing side has an attorney, you’re at a disadvantage if you don’t have one as well. Although an attorney is required to be ethical, that doesn’t mean that they can’t use legal tactics to put them at an advantage over a non-lawyer. Similarly, insurance companies can be difficult to work with and an attorney wouldn’t be confused by their tactics or feel pressured to settle for an unsatisfactory amount.
Finally, laws and legal procedures can be confusing. Personal injury laws vary from state to state, and an experienced personal injury attorney will be familiar with the laws in his or her state. In addition, an attorney has the experience and tools to interpret and apply those laws to your particular case. The lawyer will also know the proper legal procedures to build the best case for you.

vendredi 2 mars 2018

Men kòman JOJO LORQUET te al bare ANDRE MICHEL nan Pakè P-au-P pandan li te al defann JEAN MONARD METELLUS pou akizasyon Vòlè tè.

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How Do Tax Deductions Work When Donating a Car?


Donating your car to charity can result in significant tax savings if you include it in your charitable contribution deduction. However, doing a little planning will ensure that you maximize the tax savings of your donation. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires you to calculate your deduction in one of two ways, depending on how the charity uses your donation. Deductions for cars the charity sells are limited to the sales price. In all other cases, you can use the car's fair market value.

jeudi 1 mars 2018

A partir du 30 mars prochain... les Haïtiens pourront voyager sans VISA dans la ...

« Haïti a signé des traités avec les pays de la Caraïbe, les citoyens haïtiens doivent être capables de voyager sans restriction aucune dans la région ». Le président de la république d’Haïti, Jovenel Moise a fait cette déclaration ce matin, à l’issue de la 29e réunion de la CARICOM qui s’est tenue à Port-au-Prince les 26 et 27 février. 
Cette mesure sera effective à partir du 30 mars prochain, poursuit-il, avant d’affirmer qu’elle concerne les Haïtiens détenteurs d’un passeport officiel et diplomatique ou d’un visa américain, canadien et Schengen.
Conscient du travail qu’il reste à faire pour qu’Haïti puisse jouir dans l’intégralité ses droits dans la libre circulation des capitaux, des services et des personnes qualifiées dans la Caraïbe, le chef de l’État assure que ce point sera débattu dans les prochaines réunions, dont la plus proche qui se tiendra du 4 au 6 juillet prochain, à Jamaïque.
Haïti est membre de la Caricom depuis le début des années 2000. À la différence des autres États membres de la région, Haïti n’était jamais parvenue à jouir de telles prérogatives qui constituent le socle même de cette organisation politique et de cette zone d’intégration économique. LoopHaiti

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5 Tips for Getting Business Insurance Faster


If you’re trying to land a client contract or sign a commercial lease, chances are you need Errors and Omissions Insurance or General Liability Insurance yesterday. So how can you speed up the insuring process?
We have a few ideas.

1. Understand the application.

If you apply for coverage through Insureon, you can complete a single online insurance application to get quotes from all available carriers. It usually takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete, but you can save your progress if you don’t have time to finish the application in one sitting.
The application will ask you basic questions about your business, the policies you’re interested in, and your services. To answer these questions as quickly as possible, you’ll want to have some information on hand. So…

2. Get your information ready.

Have information about the following in front of you so you can fill out the application quickly:
  • Business basics. The application will need to know basic information about your business, such as its industry, legal entity, name, contact information, address, and locations. Sometimes your risks and insurance options / requirements depend on your location. Read more about that in “Find Insurance Where You Live.”
  • Your policies. Knowing which types of insurance and how much coverage you want from the outset can help you decide what to check off in the application.
  • Revenue. How much you make determines how much coverage may be appropriate for your business.
  • Company history. This refers to your industry experience and when you founded your business. Insurers tend to prefer a business that has some history under its belt, which may lead to more favorable rates. However, that’s not always the case.
  • Employees. You’ll need to specify how many employees, owners, and officers your business has, all of which may impact your Workers’ Compensation Insurance needs. Be prepared to share your total office payroll and your employer identification number, too.
  • Business practices. Be ready to describe your operations so the application can accurately weigh your risks against your risk management.
  • Website. Remember cyber risks? Your website and cyber security practices may affect your exposure.