mardi 6 février 2018

10 aliments naturels pour BANDER dur et DURER plus longtemps au lit

10 aliments pour mieux bander et durer plus longtemps au lit. 10 aliments pour mieux bander et durer plus longtemps au lit

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This compelling and disturbing video below shows Jeffrey Smith, a leading expert on GMO foods disclose the beguiling antics by Monsanto who not only are allowed to manipulate their own policy claims, but continue to be held unaccountable for the toxic repercussions of their genetically modified organisms or GMOs.
In the video, Jeffrey Smith, discusses two deadly poisonous ingredients found in GMOs based on proven research that causes cancerous tumors to form in rats.
Monsanto’s former attorney, Michael Taylor, dubbed “The food safety Czar,” is now conveniently positioned with the authority to monitor the promotions of Monsanto’s products, including their GMO foods. Monsanto has never gotten called out for detailed analysis regarding the dangerous processes these “foods” undergo.
It’s similar to “The fox guarding the hen house,” where GMO foods are not legally mandated to be labeled because Monsanto says they are no different than the regular foods.
Check out this revealing 5 minute video & learn the truth about GMOs and why Jeffrey Smith emphasizes that no consumption of GMO foods is safe.
Please share this information with friends and family, and join the March Against Monsanto on Saturday, May 21, 2016 worldwide. March for our health freedom and march to label all GMO foods.

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